Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Microsoft CEO really good at dodging eggs

Well at least they pay him well.

Steve Ballmer was egged...not his house, not his car, but him and during a speech, and there's video, yay.

The egg flinger decided to stand up during a speech Ballmer was giving at a Hungarian University. The egg dude was hard to understand but said something about Microsoft returning money they had stolen from Hungary and then he flung three eggs, all of which Ballmer dodged as if he was used to it. It's great, just glad it wasn't knives or computers or something dangerous, but eggs are funny.


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'A Woman's Prayer:

Dear Lord, I pray for:
Wisdom to understand a man, to Love and to forgive him, and for Patience for his moods, because Lord, if I pray forStrength I'll just beat him to death'
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